Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Get Free Ebook , by William Shakespeare

Get Free Ebook , by William Shakespeare

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, by William Shakespeare

, by William Shakespeare

, by William Shakespeare

Get Free Ebook , by William Shakespeare

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, by William Shakespeare

Product details

File Size: 5685 KB

Print Length: 6099 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Latus ePublishing (September 7, 2011)

Publication Date: September 7, 2011

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#15,036 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I wish I could give this book more then 5 stars. I purchased this book about 8 months ago completely satisfied with the product, however I have noticed that not many people were satisfied with this product, but none of them gave good reasons why, I will explain to you what the formatting and organizational tools of this book looks like, so you can decide whether it's what you want or not.The way all of this content is organized is one of the reasons I love this book. It has all of the plays organized in the table of contents by each of the subjects (comedies, tradgedys, and histories) with links you can click on. When you click on one of the links of one of the plays, for example: If you click on Romeo and Juliet, you become redirected to another table of contents that organize the all the scenes in all the different kind of acts.Now the formatting is the best you can get for being displayed on the kindle. It shows the name of the person speaking and then under the name, and indented is what they say. This kind of formatting is my favorite kind of formatting I've seen so far. It makes reading a play so much easier.But what I really like is that I have all of shakespeares sonnets and plays, all on one small electric device, Instead of having it in one massive textbook.In all honesty, I wouldn't mind paying $10-20 on a collection this organized.Overall I think this is my favorite purchase so far.Please let me know if this review helped you :)

It took some digging to come up with a Kindle version of Shakespeare's Complete Works that's well-linked and has modernized spelling, but I eventually settled on this version. There's a general Table of Contents at the beginning listing every play and poem, and then each play has its own ToC, making it convenient to jump scenes. Of course, there are many free versions of Shakespeare's works online, but none I've seen have complete ToC's.The formatting is clean, and, as far as I've read, there are few typos. Well worth a few bucks to be able to find your way around in what would be several hundred pages of printed matter. Someone looking for commentary and notes should look elsewhere, though; this is just a neat presentation of the works themselves.

To review, or not to review, that is the question:Whether it's ethical in the mind to discussThe complete works of Shakespear on AmazonOr to admit that I haven't finished an entire playAnd yet Shakespear's masterpiece on KindleAt .99 cents was a deal I couldn't refuseLamenting for a moment my college textWhich I could stick my fist throughAfter basement boxes got floodedShame I felt in the 90'sOnly scratching the surfaceOf that twelve credit courseWhen I saw theYet in my wildest dreamsI imagine reciting long sonnetsAnd retelling those heroic ballotsThat were written for everymanAnd spoken in a languageThat the queen and peasantBoth mused and reflectedCould such a text helpYou be more aware ofThe plight and patterns ofHuman nature and daily actsWhich take place in societiesWith class division, politicsAnd the sensitivities ofhuman relationships; male and femaleOld, young, sick and vitalCould still have uncanny resonanceWhile reading of a hand held deviceInstead of feeling the plightOf a text that keeps the Chiropractor in businessOr the publishers who comeUp with a new editionThat has stood the testOf time spanning five centuriesWith over six thousand pagesNeatly organized in categoriesComedies, tragedies andHistories for all you fans.The sin however in this editionIs the rampant spelling errorsAnd unoriginal line breaksThat were not what theAuthor Shakespeare intendedTo thine own text be trueAnd the delivery be inA fashion that isAccessible to the masses.

I am a high school English teacher looking at the different versions of classics texts available for Kindle (fire), so my review will not be for the play itself, but rather for the eBook--readability, layout, price, and other features.This is an excellent complete Shakespeare, and at $1.99, a steal. It includes all of Shakespeare's plays and poetry. There are links to each play, and from the first page of each play, links to each act and scene. When you go to the poetry section, there are links to each poem. The layout on the page is very clean. The lines are properly laid out in poetic form and there are spaces between each speaker. Unfortunately, there are no line numbers. There is no annotation in this version, but hey, it was two dollars!If you are looking for low price and readability, this is easily the best complete Shakespeare!

I recently rekindled my love for, and interest in the works of William Shakespeare when I was offered a role in a local community theater production of “Macbeth.” I decided to purchase a Kindle edition of Shakespeare’s complete works in order to research my part, memorize my lines, and simply enjoy once again the greatest words ever written in the English language…This Kindle edition of “William Shakespeare: The Complete Works” from Latus ePublishing I find especially useful because of the way it sorts Shakespeare’s plays into comedies, tragedies, and histories and all of his poems (154 sonnets and 4 longer poems) I chronological order. This edition provides a linked table of contents that allows me to access each work directly without flipping myriads of pages. I can either use a mouse or touchscreen; either works equally well.There are no footnotes or scholarly explanations of what Shakespeare meant, nor are there any illustrations. I consider this a strength of this edition. The book is set in a clear font that I find easy on my eyes.I think “William Shakespeare: The Complete Works” is an excellent book. Highly recommended.

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